Scientific Programming with Python
I’ve finished the Scientific Programming with Python course in freeCodeCamp and earned a Certificate! Here is my repo 👉: freeCodeCamp Projects. Will add to this in case I do another course in the...
I’ve finished the Scientific Programming with Python course in freeCodeCamp and earned a Certificate! Here is my repo 👉: freeCodeCamp Projects. Will add to this in case I do another course in the...
For October, the Python and Game Development study groups of Women Who Code Manila collaborated on learning how to make games using Python. Porch, Alysson, and I led the discussion on making visua...
Something that I came across today that I don’t use often are ternary operators in Python. These are just conditional statements that are written succintly in a line: [on_true] if [expression] els...
Get the link for the source code from the Python Software Foundation. Run the following in the terminal. sudo apt update sudo apt install build-essential \ zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libg...
Core code snippet for scikit-learn machine learning applications using the iris dataset and k-Nearest Neighbor classifier from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn.model_selection import...
Here is a non-exhaustive, most-likely-to-evolve list of my favorite books and materials. I often find my self going through these resources as a way to learn or refresh my memory, so it is a small ...
Understandably, going through a lot of publications is a necessary evil part of every researcher’s life. I’ve been wondering how to go about filtering through search results and get as much informa...
pip3 install pep8 pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available. 1 Getting this error proved to be time consuming not just because a Py...
This is a quick reference for installing the parallel version of Maker2. I wrote this a while back (about 3 years) but could be useful still. Some of the tools could have undergone major updates in...
Examples to serve as a guide for analyses using GATK. Version used is 3.2.2. It is best to consult the tool documentation for in-depth discussion of the parameters and outputs. Set paths to tools ...